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2015 CLTA Conference

  • Melbourne Law School 185 Pelham Street Carlton, VIC, 3053 Australia (map)

Corporate Law: Local and Global Dimensions

In 2015 the Melbourne Law School, in conjunction with the Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, hosted the Corporate Law Teachers Association’s (CLTA) annual conference in Melbourne from Sunday, 1 February to Tuesday, 3 February 2015.

The theme of the 2015 conference was ‘Corporate Law: local and global dimensions’. The program included a mix of keynote presentations, papers by participants, and panel discussions as well as a teaching session on Sunday, 1 February 2015 with the theme Challenges and opportunities: teaching corporate law with new technologies.



The keynote speaker was Professor Robert Thompson, Georgetown Law School who spoke on ‘Primacy and Corporate Governance: Shareholders, Directors, CEOs, Employees, Creditors – and Courts’.

2 February

2014 CLTA Conference

31 January

2016 CLTA Conference